Guide planting and caring for velvet roses properly


Guide planting and caring for velvet roses properly

In order for the velvet rose tree to produce many flowers, when planting, you should prepare problems such as soil, fertilizer carefully, take care such as pruning leaves and cutting branches in each season so that velvet roses can develop best.

Suggestions on how to choose a very standard velvet rose variety

When choosing  rose varieties  , choose plants that have been planted in pots or nursery baskets. Choose trees with strong fat stems, many and fresh green leaves, large petioles, many branches... With trees with these characteristics, when planted, they will have the strength to develop, the best growth ability. But if you need to make sure that  the velvet rose  can flower, when choosing a variety, choose this plant that already has buds!

How to care for climbing roses in pots

Choose good varieties of velvet roses

Tips for growing velvet roses  is that when buying rose seedlings, you should choose to buy them from reputable flower gardens with a long history of formation. Because these flower gardens are experienced, the varieties purchased here will have a higher survival rate than those that are younger and do not have much experience in branching and cutting...

One thing you need to keep in mind when buying  velvet roses  is to choose varieties of roses that have characteristics suitable for the environment and ecological conditions, which can be  velvet roses , inflorescences or  French velvet roses .

Planting and caring for roses

Like velvet roses, we produce beautiful flowers

How to properly grow velvet roses

- Planting velvet roses in pots

Planting velvet roses  in pots needs to determine the direction of the sun because roses only flower when the sun shines on. Please  plant and take care of the rosemary  in a place where the morning sun shines or the sun shines through! For those who live in town, pay special attention to this issue.

How to grow standard velvet roses

Growing velvet roses needs to pay attention to many factors

The soil for growing  velvet roses  must be loose loamy soil with good drainage. In order for plants to have enough nutrients to grow, you should put a little organic fertilizer before planting. After you have the soil, you fill the pot, dig a small hole and then put the plant in the hole, with the left hand holding  the velvet rose  and adjusting the plant in the most upright position, while the right hand is lightly filled with soil around the base, Gently press the tree to stand, avoid breaking the roots.

How to properly grow velvet roses in pots

How to properly grow velvet roses in pots

After  planting velvet rose in a pot  , water it so that the plant has enough moisture and takes root. After watering, stop watering until about 3-5 days after watering again to avoid waterlogging and root rot!

When watering and caring for roses grown in pots at home  , you should choose a light sprinkler, it is best to water every morning. If on days with strong sunlight, maintain watering the plants in the cool afternoon.

- Plant velvet roses for many flowers

The secret to  growing velvet roses for many flowers  is that before planting, you should prepare issues such as soil, fertilizer carefully, should prune leaves and lower branches in each season.

Many agricultural experts have proven that, the first factor to help  grow rosemary  for flowering is lining the bottom of the pot with charcoal for good drainage, not using mangrove charcoal with high salt content, which will damage the roots. When planting trees, use your fingers to press firmly so that the root is not loose because when it is loose, it will make the plant unable to grow and develop well. After planting  roses  should be left in a cool place for 3-5 days, watering very little to avoid waterlogging of the roots. When the plant has taken root and grown, bring the pot to a sunny place and increase the amount of water.

How to grow velvet roses for many flowers and bold colors

How to grow velvet roses for many flowers and bold colors

After about 4-10 days when the plants sprout, maintain slow-release organic fertilizer every week. Every month, apply NPK fertilizer at a dose of about 1 teaspoon and sprinkle it away from the root. Note that chemical fertilizers only use an appropriate dose, absolutely should not water too much fertilizer so  that when taking care of roses, they  don't get too hot and burn the roots.

That's  how to grow  velvet roses  with enough nutrition and moisture to grow and develop the best, creating a premise for plants to flower more.

Caring for newly planted roses


If you grow roses in your garden , you can water them every 2 days. If you grow roses in pots , you need to water them once a day. Watering should be done early in the morning or in the evening.

Roses are water-loving plants, if you live in the countryside, you can plant them next to ponds and embankments. If not, it is necessary to add water to the plant regularly, because water is essential for the plant's photosynthesis. Especially with sun-loving rosesIf the plant is deprived of water, the leaves will turn yellow and fall.

The best time to water is early in the morning, use a light sprinkler to evenly water the plants. If the days are hot, you should water once more in the cool of the night.

Especially do not water when it is sunny , will cause the plant to be shocked and may wilt. If watering at night, you should water the soil, not the leaves and flowers. The water will reactivate overnight if you water the flowers, and is the cause of pests and diseases.

  Pruning branches

You should prune old and unnecessary branches. Can shape the tree. It also stimulates the plant to grow new shoots. Create conditions for nutrients to develop into flowers when caring for roses after cutting .

Caring for roses after cutting

Caring for roses after cutting


A very important factor for roses to flower all year round , brilliant color is the nutrition for the plant. You can observe the new branches sprouting, to see if the plant has enough nutrients. If the stem is burgundy, stout is a nutritious plant. If the stem is thin, tall, light red is the tree is lacking and needs additional fertilizer.

Caring for velvet roses in the sunny season

The rose plant is a sunbathing plant, but in the summer it is the opposite of the rose plant. The weather in the summer is often hot and sunny, affecting the growth and development of rose plants, the biggest effect is that gardeners have not covered the orchid net to avoid direct sunlight shining on the plants, which will have a negative effect on the growth of roses. growth of the rose plant .

  1. Prevention of late blight at the beginning of the dry season for rose plants

- The time is hot from April to the end of September for the North, for the South from March to August, the outside temperature can reach 35-38oC at night, the dew appears early. Late blight on persimmon trees is caused by heat

- The weather is hot during the day, humid at night due to dew, leading to wet leaves with high humidity, which will stimulate fungal spores to thrive overnight. When the sun comes up, the leaves dry up and the fungal spores are released and develop into the disease. The development time of fungal spores is very fast, only 6 hours is enough for mold spores to germinate and infect leaves.

  2. Regular watering of rose plants in the hot season

Taking care of persimmon trees in the summer with water needs for persimmon trees is very necessary, the tree is very susceptible to lack of water leading to wilting on hot days. On these days, it is advisable to regularly observe the persimmon trees and pay close attention to the following cases:

- For persimmons grown in pots

+ The amount of water for each rose pot is different, the more young branches in the pot, the greater the need for watering the plant.

+ Small pots but big plants (the height of the persimmon tree is 2-3 times the diameter of the pot, the foliage covers the pot surface) dries faster than a large pot that grows small trees.

+ On the same area that receives a lot of sunshine, if only a few pots of roses are left in the dry season , these pots tend to dry out faster than to have a dense amount of rose plants on the ground.

Caring for roses after cutting

Proper care of newly planted roses

Choosing the time to water the rose plant in the summer is also an important factor for the plant's water needs, you need to water the plant twice a day in the early morning and late afternoon. Start watering in the morning at about 5:30 am and finish watering before 10 am to avoid hot water watering the plants will be burned. In the cool afternoon time, the water at this time cools down and gradually cools down, you should water the plants from 16:30 and end at 19:00.

+ Minimize watering on leaves for persimmon trees in hot weather. You also need to moisten the soil around the rose pot, then water it thoroughly until the bottom of the pot runs out, do not water the rose leaves to avoid causing disease. .

- For persimmons grown in the ground

The care of roses planted in the ground , it is necessary to limit watering the plants when the plants are sprouting. Water the tree when it is still cool, water under the tree when the water overflows on the ground.

  3. Sun protection for roses with sunscreen materials

- In the summer, gardeners often choose sun protection materials to use when taking care of the rose garden . The selected material is usually made of green, black or woven plastic, which has the effect of reducing the amount of direct sunlight shining on the tree.

  4. Always keep the soil cool and moist when planting persimmons

- When planting persimmons in the sunny summer , it should be noted to reduce the temperature of the planting ground.

- Use duckweed to cover the ground with potting soil to keep the persimmon tree moist or use insulation materials to cool the soil, and retain moisture, creating favorable conditions for the rose plant's roots to grow. Absorbs a lot of water and nutrients in the summer.

- In addition, you can use sawdust, peanut shells, coconut fiber, or rice straw using materials to cover the ground, helping to keep the moisture in the soil to provide water for plants.

Caring for velvet roses in the rainy season

  1. Prepare before the rainy season comes

Prune off old persimmon branches, yellowed, weak and diseased leaves so that the tree can be open and easy to sprout young shoots.

Make a trench around the garden, raise the tree stump, create a loose soil environment for plants on the ground. For potted persimmon plants , should be raised high, do not let the bottom of the pot stand water.

Use some drugs to prevent fungal diseases in the rainy season.

How to care for climbing roses in pots

Velvet roses bloom with the best care

  2. Some pests and diseases need to be treated in the rainy season

Black spot disease: the disease is difficult to treat and spreads quickly when the weather is wet, especially after rains. Initially brown spots, later turned black. Appears on leaf surfaces with rounded or irregular dotted shapes, causing leaves to fall prematurely, young shoots are also easily infected. Note, this disease-causing fungus exists in the soil.

Powdery mildew: The pathogenic fungus is suitable at 85% humidity, 18 degrees Celsius. Harmful to leaves, stems, flower stalks, sepals and petals, on young parts of the plant, covered with a layer of white fungus such as powdery mildew. The powder causes the leaves to wither and fall off.

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