Guide plant and care for roses - flowers all year round

Guide plant and care for roses - flowers all year round

Is it difficult to grow roses? How to care for roses is the right way to flower all year round? What is the technique of growing roses? Join we to learn how to plant in this article!

Techniques for growing roses in pots

Not only carrying in her proud beauty, captivated many people who love beauty. Roses are also a symbol of love, the eternity of soul beauty.

So many people, from young to old, boys and girls, love to grow this flower. However, to grow a beautiful flower pot is not an easy thing. There are many of you who have put in effort, and time to produce results that are not satisfactory. It is true that playing is also very elaborate!

Some notes before planting roses

To have a bunch of roses, or a beautiful flower pot and grow well. It is very important to prepare the necessary items before starting.

Selection of rose varieties

Currently, due to the high demand for ornamental plants, all bonsai shops provide Rose varieties. You can choose according to your preferences and conditions.

Rose plants can be grown from seeds, cuttings or from nurseries. If you are new to roses, the advice is to choose a baby persimmon that is available from the nursery owner. Thus, the survival rate as well as healthy growth will be higher. If growing from seeds, it will be difficult and time consuming.

Where should I plant roses?

The place to place the pot, the location of the rose is very important. You should carefully observe the direction of sunlight in your home space to place the potted plant. You should choose locations with sunlight in the morning or afternoon. Avoid locations with direct sunlight throughout the day. And also do not place in places where there is no direct sunlight.

One mistake when growing roses in urban areas is to place the roses in a place that lacks light. Leads to plants that do not flower, or produce very poorly. Along with that, it leads to diseased plants, stunted stems and yellow leaves.

Rose is a light loving plant. The best place to place the rose pot is in a well-ventilated place with sunlight for 6 to 8 hours a day. Thus, the plant will grow and develop well, less pests and diseases. And bloom evenly with the color you want.

How to grow roses to keep them green

Selection of pots

After choosing a planting location, next you need to pay attention to how to choose the right pot. If possible, choose pots about 30cm high, and about 40cm in diameter. If you can make wooden crates, or plant them directly in the ground is best. If you choose an enamel pot, choose a size 4 pot.

After you have selected the pot, make the hole in the bottom of the pot a little bigger. The purpose is to increase the drainage capacity, avoid waterlogging. Then raise the pot slightly above the ground, in the position you chose in the previous step.

Preparing the land for planting roses

Roses are plants with good vitality, so they can grow healthily on many different types of soil. But the plant will grow well, flower more regularly if planted in loose soil, rich in nutrients and good drainage.

You can buy ready-made land with friends at bonsai stores. This is the type of soil that is mixed by the shop owners, so it must ensure the above requirements. In addition, you can create your own qualified soil by: mixing soil and decaying cow manure, rice husks, chicken manure or coir.

You should expose the soil to the sun for 1 week to 10 days to kill pathogens. Along with that, before putting the soil in the pot, it should be covered with a layer of lime powder underneath.

How to grow roses

In this article, I would like to share how to grow from seedlings and grow by cuttings. As for the method of growing roses from seeds, if I have time, I will update later.

Rose care techniques

Growing roses from seedlings

After you have prepared the soil and pots. Line the bottom of the pot with a little gravel, or dry charcoal to create ventilation, as well as good drainage to avoid waterlogging. Next, add loose, fertile soil to 2/3 of the pot.

Water a young of water inside before planting. Drill a hole in the center and place the plant in, covering with a layer of soil to the height of 8/10 of the pot. When planting, our left hand holds the stem, our right hand lightly presses the soil around the base. To keep the plant upright, do it gently to avoid breaking the roots. After planting, water thoroughly.

Insert a sturdy stake in the center of the pot, and use string to tie the rose stem to the stake. The purpose is to avoid making the trunk passive when exposed to the wind, affecting the roots of the tree to contact the new soil.

Shade the plant for the first few days, and gradually expose the plant to direct sunlight. After a few weeks you can remove the stake, now the tree has grown well and can stand on its own.

How to grow and care for roses

Rose cutting technique

When you've chosen a mother persimmon tree that you like, choose a healthy twig. (A branch that is neither too old nor too young.) You cut about 15cm - 20cm length. The cut should be sharp, not cut off the branches. If the cut branch is damaged, you should use a knife to cut away the damaged part.

To improve the viability of rose cuttings. We should soak the tip of the rose branch in the rooting stimulant solution. This drug is widely available in bonsai stores.

Using a stick, stick it in the ground prepared in the pot. The purpose is to create small holes, about 2cm deep. Next, plug the rose branches that have been dotted with rooting stimulants there. You can either tilt it or plug it straight.

Every day you water with a light sprinkler on the rose cuttings. After a period of 12-15 days, you will see young shoots developing. About 30 days the rose branch will take root, and about 2 months after the cutting, it will become a green persimmon tree.

Planting and caring for roses

How to take care of roses

The good care of the plant after planting, will affect the growth and flowering ability of the plant.


If you grow roses in your garden, you can water them every 2 days. If growing in a pot, water once a day. Watering should be done early in the morning or in the evening.

Roses are water-loving plants, if you live in the countryside, you can plant them next to ponds and embankments. If not, you need to add water to the plant regularly, because water is essential for the plant's photosynthesis. Especially roses are sun-loving plants. If the plant is deprived of water, the leaves will turn yellow and fall.

The best time to water is early in the morning, use a light sprinkler to evenly water the plants. If the days are hot, you should water once more in the cool of the night.

Especially do not water when it is sunny, it will cause the plant to be shocked and may wilt. If watering at night, you should water the soil, not the leaves and flowers. The water will reactivate overnight if you water the flowers, and is the cause of pests and diseases.

Tip : If you want the plant to flower with beautiful colors and vibrant colors. Then you should water more potassium fertilizer when the flower buds have just sprouted. Water the soil in the pot, do not water the leaves or petals.

How to care for rose plants - pruning

Pruning branches

When the tree has grown well, many branches and branches overlap. You should prune old and unnecessary branches. Can shape, or replace the tree. It also stimulates the plant to grow new shoots. Create conditions for nutrients to develop into the flower.


A very important factor to flower all year round, brilliant color is the nutrition for the plant. You can observe the new branches sprouting, to see if the plant has enough nutrients or not. If the stem is burgundy, stout is a nutritious plant. If the trunk is thin, tall, light red is the tree is lacking and needs to add fertilizer.

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