Guide for planting and caring for roses in pots with correct technique

Guide for planting and caring for roses in pots with correct technique

Roses are one of the flowers that are often sought after by many flower and ornamental plant enthusiasts because of their beauty, scent and overall richness. If you're thinking of starting to grow roses in your own pots or looking for a few tips on how to make your rose plants flower more, you've come to the right place.

Roses are rated as one of the most beautiful flowers in the garden , growing roses may seem difficult to the beginner gardener, but in fact the process is very easy. The following article we will guide you to plant and care for roses in pots with the correct technique, almost anyone can become a successful rose gardener.
Pergola and climbing roses are the perfect combination to create a lovely cottage for the garden
Instructions on how to grow roses in pots

Step 1: Prepare pots, soil, rose varieties to plant

Always choose a deep pot to accommodate root growth and make sure it has good drainage.

Use a high-quality soil mix by combining potting soil with a little compost or well-rotted manure to add rich nutrients.

To grow beautiful pots of roses, choose small rose varieties or inflorescences. They are vigorous, hardy and disease resistant while still producing lots of flowers. Although there are many different varieties of roses, not all will do well in pots.
Choosing good seedlings greatly affects the later growth and development of roses. Do not be greedy and choose bad seedlings, you will spend a lot of effort to take care of them

Step 2: Place your rose in the pot

Spread a layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot to improve drainage, then put the soil prepared in step 1 into a pot 8/10 of the height of the pot, then drill a wide and deep hole to put the rose plant in and Fill with soil, gently press with your hands to harden the soil to help the tree stand.

Note: When placing the rose plant in a pot, make sure the root structure is not disturbed.
When removing the plant from the nursery, special care should be taken not to break the potting soil or cause too much damage to the roots.

Step 3: Water your rose plant

Finally, water your newly planted persimmon thoroughly, allowing moisture to seep into the soil and roots. Water well enough to get the roots used to the new soil.
When re-potting roses, pay attention not to water too much, but just enough moisture for the plants to get used to the new environment.

How to care for roses in pots

Once you've finished growing your roses in pots, it's important to keep them healthy with good care. Continue reading below for tips on how to care for potted roses.

Potting Location: Potted roses should be placed in a location that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.

Watering: Clay pots will help keep rose roots cool in the hot summer, but clay and terracotta tend to draw moisture from the soil and therefore require more watering than plastic pots. To help increase drainage, you can place the pot on top of the bricks to let the water drain out freely.
Terracotta pots are considered the most suitable for growing roses

Nutrient Needs: Monitor compost to make sure it never becomes waterlogged. Water regularly throughout the summer, less so in the winter. Without an adequate water supply, potted compost can dry out very quickly.

Prune roots, leaves, or branches: To keep your roses the optimal size for your pot, prune the roots, leaves, or branches as you would with other plants in your garden. Removing wilted flowers, pruning branches, pruning to size, shape also help prevent pests.
Regular pruning of wilted flowers and pests will help you have a rose pot that is always green
Some common diseases on potted roses

As with all other plants, roses can be infected with pests or damaged by disease. However, you do not need to worry too much, we will help you. Let's take a look at some common diseases that are common on roses.
Black spot disease

Causes: Rain, overhead watering, night time watering, insufficient air circulation, overcrowding, too much shade, contamination from infected fallen foliage.

Manifestations: Appearing as black spots surrounded by a yellow halo, the disease begins at the base of the tree and spreads upward.

Measures: Remove all infected leaves and plant parts from the plant and preferably from the ground. Apply copper fungicide every 7 to 10 days for severe infections.
Black spot pathogens always exist in the soil environment just waiting for a favorable opportunity to develop
Powdery mildew disease

Cause: Rain, watering from above, fog and dry soil lead to wet tops and dry bottoms.

Symptoms: Appears as powdery mildew on leaves and buds. Infected leaves may become distorted, curl, then turn greyish-white.

Measures: Remove all infected plant parts from the plant and the ground and spray with sulfur every 7 to 10 days.
Sunlight can kill the fungal spores that cause powdery mildew, so to prevent this disease, you should plant persimmons in a sunny location for at least 6 hours/day.
Dry death disease

Cause: Due to excessive rain, fog and high humidity.

Appearance: When the rose flower and bud become a jumble of dried brown petals that cannot be opened.

Measures: Good air circulation is an important precaution, so don't over plant roses. Remove all infected plant parts from the plant and the ground and do not add to the compost. Water in the morning, not in the evening.
Pay attention not to let water stand in the areas of the trunk that have just been pruned and cleaning the pruning tools with 90 degrees of alcohol can help prevent this disease.

Cause: Caused by rust fungus, also known as parasitic fungus Phragmidium Tuberculatum.

Symptoms: It causes orange spots to appear on stems and leaves. Severely diseased leaves of susceptible cultivars may turn yellow or brown and fall. Rose rust attacks all parts of the plant except the roots and petals.

Measures : Prune the tree to keep the center clear, water the plant before noon and avoid wetting the leaves, remove and destroy diseased leaves and plants. Use a fungicide containing myclobutanil, mancozeb, or propiconazole.
Rust disease does not kill the plant immediately, but will make the plant stunted, slow to grow, less flowering, if there is a flower, the flower will be small and not beautiful.
Scaffold disease

Manifestations: Appearance of round gall bladders on stems or roots. Honey is light green or almost white when young. As they age, the cavities darken and become woody, ranging in size from small bumps to large bumps a few inches across.

Measures: Remove infected plants as soon as nectar is observed. If possible, remove and remove soil from the area with infected plants. Sterilize all cutting and trimming tools used near the mouth of the gallbladder.
Powdery mildew is usually dangerous to young trees but is of little concern to mature trees. The warts will reduce the transport of nutrients, which slows the growth of the plant
Leaf curl disease

Cause: Caused by insects such as creeks and melon aphids.

Symptoms: Symptoms associated with insects vary widely. Often appear yellow wavy lines, ring spots.

Remedy: Virus-infected plants cannot be saved. Buy only healthy plants from a reputable tree dealer; especially avoid buying plants that show any symptoms of virus infection.

Notes when growing roses in pots at home

Let's take a look at some important notes to help you perfect the technique of growing roses in pots at home.Choose pots depending on the size of the plant. A small rose plant needs to be at least 10 inches deep for a plant about 18 inches tall.
Prime your roses every year in spring by removing the top 5cm of compost and replacing it with a new layer.
Make sure the pot has drainage holes. If the pot does not have them available, the fix is ​​very simple is to drill a little in the bottom to let the water through.
Roses need a lot of water, water the roots, not the leaves. Keep the soil saturated but not wet.
The best time to prune is right before the tree is ready to produce its first flowers, this depends on the climate of different regions.
Remove old leaves or dead branches to make way for new plants to grow.

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