Guide for planting and caring for roses in pots properly

Guide for planting and caring for roses in pots properly

Roses are plants that require a lot of attention when planting and caring. But if you know the basic notes when planting and caring for roses, you will find that roses are also easy and do not make it difficult for you. The following article hiensgarden shares with you the steps to properly grow and care for persimmons.

Instructions for planting and caring for roses in pots properly

1. Choose the direction of the sun: Roses need a lot of light and sunshine. You need to pay attention to the selection of light direction (sunshine) to place the potted plant or plant, need to choose a location where the morning sun shines or the sun shines through, avoid In harsh sunlight and in low light places, townhouses in urban areas are often obscured by lack of sunlight. Rose plants are not eligible for flowering or flower quality is bad.

2. Choose a planting pot: The rose pot does not need to be large, about 30 cm high, 40 cm wide. If it is an enamel pot, choose a size 4 pot. If it is wooden or planted directly in the ground, the better, the soil must ensure drainage. The pot must be chiseled at the bottom to avoid waterlogging of the roots. The pot needs to be raised slightly above the ground.

3. Soil preparation before planting: choose porous soil or substrate with good drainage to prevent stagnant water from damaging the roots. Prioritize using decayed organic fertilizer to line the bottom of the pot before planting. . The soil for growing roses consists of the following components: 33% of the rice husk ash, which is soaked and washed out of salt; 33% real manure, dried, can use straw manure, rotten leaves; preferably cow dung; 1% NPK fertilizer 30-10-10; 33% loam or alluvial soil. All are mixed well and then poured into the pot about 2/3. Underneath the bottom line a little small gravel to wedge on the water vent. Water a can of water. Plant the rose in the center and add soil 8/10 of the height of the pot. Then expose to the sun gradually, finally expose to 100% light.

When planting, the left hand holds the tree, the right hand fills the soil lightly around the base, gently presses for the tree to stand, avoid breaking the roots, watering after planting. Make sure the leaves receive enough light, avoid planting too close to each other, the tree will grow tall due to competition for light.

How to care for roses grown in pots:
1. Fertilization:

– After planting 3-5 days, spray foliar fertilizers such as: Atonik. B1, three green leaves 16.16.8, HPV 30.10.10 , seaweed ... to help plants develop good roots and flowers with brilliant colors. Not watering the flowers will cause the flowers to fade.

– From 10-15 days when the plants take root and emit young leaves, apply additional granular fertilizers such as: Dynamic, bat manure, NPK or DAP fertilizer... Apply around the base of the tree and fill it with soil, use a teaspoon to determine amount of fertilizer for safety. Avoid affecting the roots of the rose plant and the manure should not be near the base of the tree. Then water again to help the plant absorb nutrients well.

Periodically fertilize once a month with foliar spray and 1 time of alternating root fertilization.

If you soak manure with water for irrigation, use 1 teaspoon per 4 liters of water, water in the early morning or late afternoon, water on leaves, stems, roots...

– When fertilizing roses , it is necessary to observe if the tree gives a new branch with a deep burgundy color and a stout branch, it signals that the tree is provided with enough nutrients .. In contrast, the rose tree for a sick branch is tall, it should be strengthened. care for the next pruning period.

2. Watering:

It is necessary to water the rose plant enough water for the leaves to photosynthesize, if the plant is too dry, it is easy to appear red spiders that suck and sting, making the plant gradually weakened. Leaves turn pale and yellow, curl and fall off. It is recommended to add enough water and fertilize with vitamin supplements for rose plants.

3. Pruning branches:

Regularly cut off damaged flower leaves, for flowers that have bloomed, they should be cut off, when cutting, you need to cut the tops to add two layers of leaves to give the rose tree the power to pierce new branches, from each end of that branch will produce flower buds. new.

Cut roses in the early morning or cool afternoon because this time the tree still has a lot of sap and water, so the flowers last long and wither. Before cutting, you should water more than usual so that the plant can store a certain amount of water for flowers (because after cutting the roses will evaporate and lose water). Note, after cutting, you must plug the rose plant into clean water, the cut mark must be diagonal so that the water can easily penetrate the stem. Before plugging in the jar, cut one more time. Use a sharp knife to cut or cut the tree with scissors, do not crush. When cutting, you must count from the bottom of the cake to the top (at the top of the branch) leaving 3 leaves. Cut off 3 leaves. The remaining rose branch will produce 3 new shoots. Prune 1 bad branch. The remaining 2 strong branches will later give 2 very large and beautiful flowers. Also need to prune bad, damaged branches…

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